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Fens, the

(Encyclopedia) Fens, the, district, E England, a flat lowland, W and S of The Wash. Extending c.70 mi (110 km) from north to south and c.35 mi (60 km) from east to west, it is traversed by numerous…

Hawksmoor, Nicholas

(Encyclopedia) Hawksmoor, Nicholas, 1661–1736, English architect involved in the development of most of the great buildings of the English baroque. From the age of 21 he assisted Sir Christopher Wren…


(Encyclopedia) umbrella, a small canopy used as a protection against the sun in China, Egypt, and elsewhere in remote antiquity. It was often an emblem of rank. During the Middle Ages the umbrella…


(Encyclopedia) waterway, natural or artificial navigable inland body of water, or system of interconnected bodies of water, used for transportation, may include a lake, river, canal, or any…

Velasco Ibarra, José María

(Encyclopedia) Velasco Ibarra, José MaríaVelasco Ibarra, José Maríahōsāˈ märēˈä vāläsˈkō ēbäˈrä [key], 1893–1979, president of Ecuador (1934–35, 1944–47, 1952–56, 1960–61, 1968–72). A noted orator,…

Uruguay , river, South America

(Encyclopedia) UruguayUruguayy&oobreve;ˈrəgwā, gwī, Span. &oomacr;r&oomacr;gwiˈ, &oomacr;r&oomacr;wīˈ [key], river, c.1,000 mi (1,610 km) long, rising in S Brazil and flowing in…

Hill, James Jerome

(Encyclopedia) Hill, James Jerome, 1838–1916, American railroad builder, b. Ontario, Canada. He went to St. Paul, Minn., in 1856. He became a partner of Norman Kittson in a steamboat line and, with…


(Encyclopedia) rusticationrusticationrŭstĭkāˈshən [key], in building construction, method of creating textures upon masonry wall surfaces, chiefly upon those of stone, by projecting the blocks beyond…

Speer, Albert

(Encyclopedia) Speer, AlbertSpeer, Albertälˈbĕrt shpār [key], 1905–81, German architect and National Socialist (Nazi) leader. A member of the Nazi party from 1931, he became its official architect…


(Encyclopedia) sertãosertãosərˈtouN [key] [Port.,=backlands], semiarid hinterland of NE Brazil; c.250,000 sq mi (647,500 sq km). Its characteristic landscape is the caatinga, or thorny scrub forest.…