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(Encyclopedia) MadeleineMadeleinemădˈəlĭn, Fr. mädlĕnˈ [key] [Fr.,=Magdalen, i.e., Mary Magdalen], large church of Paris, in the Place de la Madeleine. It was originally planned by J. A. Gabriel as a…

Knuth, Donald Ervin

(Encyclopedia) Knuth, Donald ErvinKnuth, Donald Ervinn&oomacr;th, kən&oomacr;thˈ [key], 1938–, American mathematician and computer scientist, b. Milwaukee, Wis., grad. Case Institute of…


(Encyclopedia) DnieperDniepernēˈpər [key], Belarusian Dnyapro, Rus. Dnepr, Ukr. Dnipro, river, c.1,430 mi (2,300 km) long, in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. One of the longest rivers in Europe, it…

Fens, the

(Encyclopedia) Fens, the, district, E England, a flat lowland, W and S of The Wash. Extending c.70 mi (110 km) from north to south and c.35 mi (60 km) from east to west, it is traversed by numerous…


(Encyclopedia) waterway, natural or artificial navigable inland body of water, or system of interconnected bodies of water, used for transportation, may include a lake, river, canal, or any…

Velasco Ibarra, José María

(Encyclopedia) Velasco Ibarra, José MaríaVelasco Ibarra, José Maríahōsāˈ märēˈä vāläsˈkō ēbäˈrä [key], 1893–1979, president of Ecuador (1934–35, 1944–47, 1952–56, 1960–61, 1968–72). A noted orator,…

Uruguay , river, South America

(Encyclopedia) UruguayUruguayy&oobreve;ˈrəgwā, gwī, Span. &oomacr;r&oomacr;gwiˈ, &oomacr;r&oomacr;wīˈ [key], river, c.1,000 mi (1,610 km) long, rising in S Brazil and flowing in…


(Encyclopedia) umbrella, a small canopy used as a protection against the sun in China, Egypt, and elsewhere in remote antiquity. It was often an emblem of rank. During the Middle Ages the umbrella…

Premadasa, Ranasinghe

(Encyclopedia) Premadasa, Ranasinghe, 1924–1993, Sri Lankan political leader. As a member of the Ceylon Labour party, he worked as a labor organizer and was elected deputy mayor of Colombo in 1955.…

Serlio, Sebastiano

(Encyclopedia) Serlio, SebastianoSerlio, Sebastianosāˌbästyäˈnō sĕrˈlyō [key], 1475–1554, Italian Renaissance architect and theoretician, b. Bologna. He was in Rome from 1514 until the sack in 1527…