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(Encyclopedia) PittsburgPittsburgpĭtsˈbərg [key]. 1 Industrial city (1990 pop. 47,564), Contra Costa co., W Calif., on the edge of the San Francisco Bay area, at the junction of the Sacramento and…

Ozarks, the

(Encyclopedia) Ozarks, the, or Ozark Plateau, upland region, actually a dissected plateau, c.50,000 sq mi (129,500 sq km), chiefly in S Mo. and N Ark., but partly in Oklahoma and Kansas, between the…

Behrens, Peter

(Encyclopedia) Behrens, PeterBehrens, Peterpāˈtər bāˈrəns [key], 1868–1940, German architect, influential in Europe in the evolution of the modern architectural style. He established before World War…

Empire State Building

(Encyclopedia) Empire State Building, in central Manhattan, New York City, on Fifth Ave. between 33d St. and 34th St. It was designed by the firm of Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon and built in 1930–31. For…

Dodge, Grenville Mellen

(Encyclopedia) Dodge, Grenville Mellen, 1831–1916, Union general in the Civil War and railroad builder, b. Danvers, Mass. Before the war Dodge, a civil engineer, did railroad work in the West. After…

Faymann, Werner

(Encyclopedia) Faymann, Werner, 1960–, Austrian politician, federal chancellor of Austria (2008–16), b. Vienna. A member of the Social Democrat party, he began his political career as chairman of…

Crocker, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Crocker, Charles, 1822–88, American railroad builder, b. Troy, N.Y. In 1836 he moved with his family to Marshall co., Ind., where he later set up a small foundry. He joined a party to…

Gottsched, Johann Christoph

(Encyclopedia) Gottsched, Johann ChristophGottsched, Johann Christophyōˈhän krĭsˈtôf gôtˈshĕt [key], 1700–1766, German literary critic, disciple of the Enlightenment. As professor of poetry and…

Androuet du Cerceau

(Encyclopedia) Androuet du CerceauAndrouet du CerceauäNdr&oomacr;-āˈ dü sĕrsōˈ [key], family of French architects active in the 16th and 17th cent. It was founded by Jacques Androuet, c.1520–c.…


(Encyclopedia) valve, device for controlling the flow of fluids (liquids and gases). Valves vary in construction and size depending upon their function. Some are classified according to their method…