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(Encyclopedia) Taichung or T'ai-chungTaichungboth: tīˈj&oomacr;ngˈ [key], special municipality (2010 pop. 2,731,056), 855 sq mi (2,214 sq km), W central Taiwan. It was created in 2010 by merging…

cast-iron architecture

(Encyclopedia) cast-iron architecture, a term used to designate buildings that incorporate cast iron for structural and/or decorative purposes. After 1800 cast-iron supports were exploited as an…


(Encyclopedia) hotel [Fr., from O.Fr. (origin of Eng. hostel), from Latin (origin of Eng. hospital),=guest place], name applied since the late 17th cent. to an establishment supplying both food and…

Petrobras scandal

(Encyclopedia) Petrobras scandal, Brazilian corruption scandal involving executives at the government-controlled oil company, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras), prominent politicians, and…


(Encyclopedia) MekongMekongmāˈkŏng, mēˈ– [key], Chinese Lancang, one of the great rivers of SE Asia, c.2,600 mi (4,180 km) long. From its marshy source (definitively identified in 1994) on the Rup-sa…

Union Pacific Railroad

(Encyclopedia) Union Pacific Railroad, transportation company chartered (1862) by Congress to build part of the nation's first transcontinental railroad line. Under terms of the Pacific Railroads Act…

Moreno Valley

(Encyclopedia) Moreno ValleyMoreno Valleymərēˈnō [key], city (1990 pop. 118,779), Riverside co., S Calif., inc. 1984. In 1990, Moreno Valley was California's fastest-growing city, with a population…

Mansart, François

(Encyclopedia) Mansart or Mansard, FrançoisMansart or Mansard, Françoisboth: fräNswäˈ mäNsärˈ [key], 1598–1666, French architect. His work is noted as being an outstanding expression of French…

lignum vitae

(Encyclopedia) lignum vitaelignum vitaelĭgˈnəm vīˈtē [key] [Lat.,=wood of life], tropical American evergreen tree of the genus Guaiacum. The hard, dense, and extremely durable wood, obtained chiefly…

Aurora, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Aurora Aurora ərôrˈə, ô– [key]. 1 City (2020 pop. 386,261), Adams and Arapahoe counties, N central Colo., a growing suburb on the east side of Denver; inc.…