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Ansermet, Ernest

(Encyclopedia) Ansermet, ErnestAnsermet, Ernestĕrnĕstˈ äNsĕrmĕˈ [key], 1883–1969, Swiss conductor. For several years he was a high-school mathematics teacher. He began his conducting career in…

Ballet Folklórico de México

(Encyclopedia) Ballet Folklórico de México, Mexico's national dance company. It was founded in 1952 by the dancer, choreographer, and teacher Amalia Hernández. Sponsored by the Mexican government, it…

Burleigh, Henry Thacker

(Encyclopedia) Burleigh, Henry ThackerBurleigh, Henry Thackerbûrˈlē [key], 1866–1949, American baritone and composer, b. Erie, Pa.; pupil of Dvořák at the National Conservatory, New York, where he…

Auer, Leopold

(Encyclopedia) Auer, LeopoldAuer, Leopoldouˈər [key], 1845–1930, Hungarian violinist and teacher, studied at the conservatories of Budapest and Vienna and with Joseph Joachim in Hanover. He taught at…

Lind, Jenny

(Encyclopedia) Lind, Jenny, 1820–87, Swedish soprano. She made her debut in 1838 as Agathe in Weber's Der Freischütz. She studied in Paris and sang in Germany, England, and Sweden. In 1849 she…

Heifetz, Jascha

(Encyclopedia) Heifetz, JaschaHeifetz, Jaschayäˈshə hīˈfĭts [key], 1901–87, Russian-American violinist, b. Vilna. He studied first with his father and in 1910 became a pupil of Leopold Auer at the St…

Iturbi, José

(Encyclopedia) Iturbi, JoséIturbi, Joséhōsāˈ ēt&oomacr;rˈbē [key], 1895–1980, Spanish-American pianist, b. Valencia, Spain. Iturbi studied at the Valencia and Paris conservatories on scholarship…

Primrose, William

(Encyclopedia) Primrose, William, 1904–82, Scottish-American violist. After studying in London, and with Eugène Ysaÿe, he played with the London String Quartet (1930–35) and the NBC Symphony…


(Encyclopedia) Aalborg Aalborg ôlˈbôrg, ôlˈbôr [key], city (2020 pop. 136,000), capital of Nordjylland co., N Denmark, on both sides of the Limfjord; it is Denmark's fourth…

de los Angeles, Victoria

(Encyclopedia) de los Angeles, Victoriade los Angeles, Victoriadā lōs änˈhālās [key], 1923–2005, Spanish soprano, b. Barcelona. After a concert debut in Madrid in 1944, de los Angeles toured…