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Brewer's: Galaxy

(The). The “Milky Way.” A long white luminous track of stars which seems to encompass the heavens like a girdle. According to classic fable, it is the path to the palace of Zeus (1 syl.)…

Brewer's: Galen

(g hard). Galen says “Nay,” and Hippocrates “Yea.” The doctors disagree, and who is to decide? Galen was a physician of Asia Minor in the second Christian century. Hippocrates—a native of…

Brewer's: Five

or the pentad, the great mystic number, being the sum of 2 + 3, the first even and first odd compound. Unity is God alone, i.e. without creation. Two is diversity, and three (being 1 + 2)…

Glossary of Chemical Terms - L

LA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Lanthanides The series of f-block elements between lanthanum and hafnium. laser Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of…

Glossary of Chemical Terms - N

NA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z nano- Prefix meaning one billionth or 10-9. neurotransmitter A substance that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse. neutralization A…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 fructosefructosefrŭkˈtōs [key], levulosefructoselĕvˈyəlōsˌ [key], or fruit sugar, simple sugar found in honey and in the fruit and other parts of plants. It is much sweeter than…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 glutamineglutaminegl&oomacr;ˈtəmēn [key], organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Only the l-stereoisomer occurs in mammalian protein…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 lysinelysinelīˈsēn [key], organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Only the l-stereoisomer appears in mammalian protein. It is one of…


(Encyclopedia) lipoproteinlipoproteinlĭpˌəprōˈtēn [key], any organic compound that is composed of both protein and the various fatty substances classed as lipids, including fatty acids and steroids…


(Encyclopedia) ligandligandlĭgˈənd [key], charged or uncharged molecule with one or more unshared pairs of electrons that can attach to a central metallic atom or ion to form an aggregate known as a…