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(Encyclopedia) CE5 methioninemethioninemĕthīˈənēn [key], organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Only the L-stereoisomer appears in mammalian protein. It is…


(Encyclopedia) cyanidecyanidesīˈənīdˌ [key], chemical compound containing the cyano group, –CN. Cyanides are salts or esters of hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid, HCN) formed by replacing the…


(Encyclopedia) fluoridationfluoridationfl&oobreve;rˌĭdāˈshən [key], process of adding a fluoride to the water supply of a community to preserve the teeth of the inhabitants. Tooth enamel…


(Encyclopedia) sugar, compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen belonging to a class of substances called carbohydrates. Sugars fall into three groups: the monosaccharides, disaccharides, and…


(Encyclopedia) verb, part of speech typically used to indicate an action. English verbs are inflected for person, number, tense and partially for mood; compound verbs formed with auxiliaries (e.g.,…


(Encyclopedia) wormwood, Mediterranean perennial herb or shrubby plant (Artemisia absinthium) of the family Asteraceae (aster family), often cultivated in gardens and found as an escape in North…


(Encyclopedia) silica or silicon dioxide, chemical compound, SiO2. It is insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alkalies, and soluble in dilute hydrofluoric acid. Pure silica is colorless to white.…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Barberry, Berberis vulgaris barberrybarberrybärˈbĕrˌē [key], common name for the family Berberidaceae, and specifically for the spiny barberries (Berberis species). The family…

Algebra: Solving Basic Inequalities

Solving Basic Inequalities Algebra Linear Inequalities Equations vs. Inequalities Solving Basic Inequalities The Inequality Mood Swing Graphing Solutions Compound Inequalities Inequalities…

Brewer's: Stops

Organs have no fixed number of stops; some have sixty or more, and others much fewer. A stop is a collection of pipes similar in tone and quality, running through the whole or part of an…