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(Encyclopedia) corporation, in law, organization enjoying legal personality for the purpose of carrying on certain activities. Most corporations are businesses for profit; they are usually organized…

commodity market

(Encyclopedia) commodity market, organized traders' exchange in which standardized, graded products are bought and sold. Worldwide, there are more than 20 major commodity exchanges and many smaller…

Charles V, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Charles V (Charles the Wise), 1338–80, king of France (1364–80). Son of King John II, Charles became the first French heir apparent to bear the title of dauphin after the addition of…

Dow Jones Average

(Encyclopedia) Dow Jones Average, indicators used to measure and report value changes in representative stock groupings on the New York stock exchange. There are four different averages—industrial…


(Encyclopedia) LafayetteLafayetteläˌfēĕtˈ, lăfˌēĕtˈ [key]. 1 City (1990 pop. 23,501), Contra Costa co., NW Calif., a residential suburb in the San Francisco–Oakland area; settled 1848, inc. 1968. The…

Jospin, Lionel Robert

(Encyclopedia) Jospin, Lionel RobertJospin, Lionel RobertzhôspăNˈ [key], 1937–, French politician, premier of France (1997–2002). He studied at the elite École Nationale d'Administration (1961–65)…

Menem, Carlos Saúl

(Encyclopedia) Menem, Carlos Saúl Menem, Carlos Saúl kärˈlōs sä&oomacr;lˈ māˈnĕm […

Winnipeg, city, Canada

(Encyclopedia) WinnipegWinnipegwĭnˈĭpĕg [key], city (1991 pop. 616,790), provincial capital, SE Man., Canada, at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine rivers. It is the province's largest city…


(Encyclopedia) staphylococcusstaphylococcusstăfˌələkŏkˈəs [key], any of the pathogenic bacteria, parasitic to humans, that belong to the genus Staphylococcus. The spherical bacterial cells (cocci)…


(Encyclopedia) bankruptcy, in law, settlement of the liabilities of a person or organization wholly or partially unable to meet financial obligations. The purposes are to distribute, through a court-…