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(Encyclopedia) Houston, city (2020 pop. 2,304,580), seat of Harris co., SE Tex., a deepwater port on the Houston Ship Channel; inc. 1837. Harrisburg…

health insurance

(Encyclopedia) health insurance, prepayment plan providing services or cash indemnities for medical care needed in times of illness or disability. It is effected by voluntary plans, either commercial…

mutual fund

(Encyclopedia) mutual fund, in finance, investment company or trust that has a very fluid capital stock. It is unique in that at any time it can sell or redeem any of its outstanding shares at net…

Atacama Desert

(Encyclopedia) Atacama DesertAtacama Desertätäkäˈmä [key], arid region, c.600 mi (970 km) long, N Chile, extending south from the border of Peru. The desert itself, c.2,000 ft (610 m) above sea level…

Lincoln, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Lincoln. 1 City (1990 pop. 15,418), seat of Logan co., central Ill., in a farm area; inc. 1865. It is a shipping and industrial center in an agricultural area with light manufacturing…

Interstate Commerce Commission

(Encyclopedia) Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), former independent agency of the U.S. government, established in 1887; it was charged with regulating the economics and services of specified…

asbestos, mineral

(Encyclopedia) asbestos, common name for any of a variety of silicate minerals within the amphibole and serpentine groups that are fibrous in structure and more or less resistant to acid and fire.…

Dawes, Charles Gates

(Encyclopedia) Dawes, Charles GatesDawes, Charles Gatesdôz [key], 1865–1951, American statesman and banker, b. Marietta, Ohio. Admitted (1886) to the bar, Dawes practiced law in Lincoln, Nebr., until…


(Encyclopedia) Anchorage Anchorage ăngˈkərĭj [key], city (2020 pop. 291,247), Anchorage census div., S central Alaska, a port at the head of Cook Inlet; inc. 1920. It is…