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Marine Debris in the United States

Plastic bags and bottles, cans, straws, and other debris continue to contaminate our water and threaten marine life by Liz Olson Related Links Earth Day America's Troubled…

Limerick, county, Republic of Ireland

(Encyclopedia) LimerickLimericklĭmˈərĭk [key], county (1991 pop. 161,956), 1,037 sq mi (2,686 sq km), SW Republic of Ireland. Limerick is the county seat. The region is an agricultural plain lying S…

Australian kelpie

(Encyclopedia) Australian kelpie, breed of medium-sized sheepherding dog originating in Australia c.1870. It stands from 17 to 20 in. (43.2–50.8 cm) high at the shoulder and weighs from 25 to 30 lb (…

Nakhon Ratchasima

(Encyclopedia) Nakhon RatchasimaNakhon Ratchasimanäˈkôn rächäˈsĭmäˌ [key] or KoratKoratkōrätˈ [key], city (1990 pop. 204,121), capital of Nakhon Ratchasima prov., S central Thailand, on the Mun River…

Antwerp, province, Belgium

(Encyclopedia) Antwerp Antwerp ănˈtwûrp [key], Du. Antwerpen, Fr. Anvers, province, 1,104 sq mi (2,859 sq km), N Belgium, bordering on the Netherlands in the north. Antwerp…


(Encyclopedia) AlföldAlföldôlˈföld [key], Hun. Nagy-Alföld [Great Alföld], great central plain of Hungary extending into Serbia and W Romania. The level region is drained by the Tisza and Danube…

Hamilton, city, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Hamilton, city, S Ont., Canada, at the western end of Lake Ontario. It is situated on a narrow plain between its harbor (connected by…

Roscommon, county, Republic of Ireland

(Encyclopedia) RoscommonRoscommonrŏskŏmˈən [key], county (1991 pop. 51,876), 951 sq mi (2,463 sq km), central Republic of Ireland. The county seat is Roscommon. A part of the central plain of Ireland…


(Encyclopedia) rancheriarancheriaränchāˈrēä [key], type of communal settlement formerly characteristic of the Yaqui Indians of Sonora, Mexico, and of various small Native American groups of the SW…


(Encyclopedia) SonghuaSonghuas&oomacr;ngˈhwäˈ [key] or SungariSonghuas&oobreve;nˈgäˈrēˈ [key], river of NE China, c.1,150 mi (1,850 km) long, rising in the Changbai Mts., Jilin prov., and…