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beach grass

(Encyclopedia) beach grass or marram grassmarram grassmârˈəm [key], any species of the genus Ammophila, perennial grasses used to control the shifting of sand dunes, thereby protecting sandy coastal…

Monaghan, county, Ireland

(Encyclopedia) MonaghanMonaghanmŏnˈəhən, –hănˌ [key], county (1991 pop. 51,293), 498 sq mi (1,290 sq km), N Republic of Ireland, bordered on the N by Northern Ireland. The county seat is Monaghan.…


(Encyclopedia) LaonLaonläN [key], commercial town (1990 pop. 28,670), capital of Aisne dept., N France. It has forges, a printing plant, and factories that make heating equipment and metal goods.…

Ayolas, Juan de

(Encyclopedia) Ayolas, Juan deAyolas, Juan dehwän dā äyōˈläs [key], d. 1537?, Spanish conquistador, explorer of the Río de la Plata country. He accompanied Pedro de Mendoza on his expedition of 1535–…


(Encyclopedia) OrontesOrontesōrŏnˈtēs [key], Arab. Nahr al-Asi, river, c.250 mi (400 km) long, rising in the northern part of the Al Biqa valley, Lebanon, and flowing generally N through Syria, then…


(Encyclopedia) GolcondaGolcondagŏlkŏnˈdə [key], ruined city, Telangana state, SE India. It was the capital (c.1364–1512) of the Bahmani kingdom, but after 1512 it became the capital of the Muslim…

Mountain, the

(Encyclopedia) Mountain, the, in French history, the label applied to deputies sitting on the raised left benches in the National Convention during the French Revolution. Members of the faction,…


(Encyclopedia) Honshu Honshu hōnˈsh&oomacr; [key], island , c.89,000 sq mi (230,510 sq km), central Japan. It is c…

Huang He

(Encyclopedia) Huang He,&sp;Hwang HoHuang He,both: hwängˈ h&oobreve;ˈ [key], or Yellow River, great river of N China, c.3,000 mi (4,830 km) long, rising in the twin lakes Gyaring and Ngoring…


(Encyclopedia) MaharashtraMaharashtraməhäˈrəshtrə [key], state (2001 provisional pop. 96,752,247), 118,530 sq mi (306,993 sq km), W India, on the Arabian Sea. The city of Mumbai (formerly Bombay) is…