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Displaying 471 - 480

Cale Young Rice: When the Wind is low

When the Wind is lowCale Young RiceWhen the wind is low, and the sea is soft, And the far heat-lightning plays On the rim of the west where dark clouds nest On a darker bank of haze; When I…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Fragment: Pater Omnipotens

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Fragment: 'Unrisen Splendour o...Fragment: To the Mind of ManFragment: Pater Omnipotens Edited from manuscript Shelley E 4 in the Bodleian Library, and published by…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: On Robert Emmet's Grave

by Percy Bysshe Shelley To IrelandThe Retrospect: Cwm Elan, 1812On Robert Emmet's Grave Published from the Esdaile manuscript book by Dowden, "Life of Shelley", 1887; dated 1812. ...…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: At Home

by EmilyDickinsonVIIPossessionAt Home At Home The night was wide, and furnished scant With but a single star, That often as a cloud it met Blew out itself for fear. The wind pursued the…

Red Spot

It's not all black and white. Earth, Neptune, and Uranus are all blue because of gases in their atmosphere. Blue Stars These are the hottest stars, with a surface temperature of more than 37,…

Rick HILL, Congress, MT (1946)

HILL Rick , a Representative from Montana; born in Grand Rapids, Minn., December 30, 1946; graduated from Aitkin High School, Aitkin, Minn., 1964; B.A., Saint Cloud State University, 1968; J.D.,…