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Displaying 461 - 470

Poems by Emily Dickinson: At Home

by EmilyDickinsonVIIPossessionAt Home At Home The night was wide, and furnished scant With but a single star, That often as a cloud it met Blew out itself for fear. The wind pursued the…

John Keats: On Visiting the Tomb of Burns

On the SeaSpenser! a jealous honourer of thine,On Visiting the Tomb of Burns The town, the churchyard, and the setting sun, The clouds, the trees, the rounded hills all seem, Though…

John Keats: To Ailsa Rock

To -To HomerTo Ailsa Rock Hearken, thou craggy ocean-pyramid, Give answer by thy voice—the sea-fowls’ screams! When were thy shoulders mantled in huge streams? When from the sun was thy…

Rick HILL, Congress, MT (1946)

HILL Rick , a Representative from Montana; born in Grand Rapids, Minn., December 30, 1946; graduated from Aitkin High School, Aitkin, Minn., 1964; B.A., Saint Cloud State University, 1968; J.D.,…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Apology

The ApologyThink me not unkind and rude That I walk alone in grove and glen; I go to the god of the wood To fetch his word to men. Tax not my sloth that I Fold my arms beside the brook…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Waterfall

The WaterfallA patch of meadow upland Reached by a mile of road, Soothed by the voice of waters, With birds and flowers bestowed. Hither I come for strength Which well it can supply,…