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Displaying 391 - 400

Sara Teasdale: White Fog

White FogHeaven-invading hills are drowned In wide moving waves of mist, Phlox before my door are wound In dripping wreaths of amethyst.Ten feet away the solid earth Changes into melting…

Poems: The Voice of the Ancient Bard

by WilliamBlakeTo TerzahA Divine ImageThe Voice of the Ancient Bard Youth of delight! come hither And see the opening morn, Image of Truth new-born. Doubt is fled, and clouds of…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: 'Mighty Eagle'

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Another Fragment: To MusicTo the Lord Chancellor'Mighty Eagle' Supposed to be Addressed to William Godwin Published in 1882 ("Poetical Works of P. B. S.") by Mr. H…

Walt Whitman: As the Time Draws Nigh

As the Time Draws NighAs the time draws nigh glooming a cloud, A dread beyond of I know not what darkens me.I shall go forth, I shall traverse the States awhile, but I cannot tell whither or…

Edna St. Vincent Millay: Afternoon on a Hill

Afternoon on a HillEdna St. Vincent MillayI will be the gladdest thing Under the sun! I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one.I will look at cliffs and clouds With quiet eyes,…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Isle

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Lines: 'We Meet Not As We Parted'Fragment: To the MoonThe Isle Published by Mrs. Shelley, "Posthumous Poems", 1824. There was a little lawny islet By anemone and…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: A Dirge

by Percy Bysshe Shelley To Jane: 'The Keen Stars Were Twinkling'Lines Written in the Bay of LericiA Dirge Published by Mrs. Shelley, "Posthumous Poems", 1824. Rough wind, that moanest…