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Displaying 361 - 370

Aesop's Fables: The Peacock and the Crane

by Aesop The Wolf and the LambThe Cat and the BirdsThe Peacock and the Crane A Peacock taunted a Crane with the dullness of her plumage. "Look at my brilliant colours," said she, "and see…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Fragment: To Italy

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Fragment: A Tale UntoldFragment: Wine of the FairiesFragment: To Italy Published by Dr. Garnett, "Relics of Shelley", 1862. As the sunrise to the night, As the…


Proteus is one of the darkest objects in the solar system—“as dark as soot” is a good description. It reflects only 6% of the sunlight that strikes it. Proteus is an ellipsoid about 258 mi (416 km)…

Walt Whitman: An Army Corps on the March

An Army Corps on the MarchWith its cloud of skirmishers in advance, With now the sound of a single shot snapping like a whip, and now an irregular volley, The swarming ranks press on and…

Edward J. O'Brien: Song

SongEdward J. O'BrienShe goes all so softly Like a shadow on the hill, A faint wind at twilight That stirs, and is still.She weaves her thoughts whitely, Like doves in the air, Though a…

Scudder Middleton: Interlude

InterludeScudder MiddletonI am not old, but old enough To know that you are very young. It might be said I am the leaf, And you the blossom newly sprung.So I shall grow a while with you, And…

Passages from "The River Song"

Passages from "The River Song"Five clouds hang aloft, bright on the purple sky, The imperial guards come forth from the golden house with their armour a-gleaming.…He goes out to Hori, to…