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(Encyclopedia) PrakritPrakritpräˈkrĭt [key], any of a number of languages belonging to the Indic group of the Indo-Iranian subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages (see Indo-Iranian). The…

Mĕstrović, Ivan

(Encyclopedia) Mĕstrović, IvanMĕstrović, Ivanēˈvän mĕshˈtrōvyĭch [key], 1883–1962, Croatian-American sculptor, b. Vrpolje, Croatia (then in Austria-Hungary). He was a shepherd and then an apprentice…

ice dancing

(Encyclopedia) ice dancing, ice-skating competition in which couples are required to perform dance routines to music. The sport gained popularity in the 1930s and the first world championships were…

Lemercier, Jacques

(Encyclopedia) Lemercier, JacquesLemercier, Jacqueszhäk ləmĕrsyāˈ [key], c.1585–1654, French architect, one of the group that evolved a classical mode of expression for French architecture. In Italy…

Lescot, Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Lescot, PierreLescot, Pierrepyĕr lĕskōˈ [key], c.1510–1578, French Renaissance architect. Appointed by Francis I to design a new royal palace in Paris, he built the earliest portions…

Levitt, Michael

(Encyclopedia) Levitt, Michael, 1947–, British-Israeli-American biophysicist, b. South Africa, Ph.D. Cambridge, 1971. Levitt was a faculty member at Cambridge from 1974 to 1979 and at the Weizmann…

Lafosse, Charles de

(Encyclopedia) Lafosse or La Fosse, Charles deLafosse or La Fosse, Charles deshärl də lä fôs [key], 1636–1716, French painter. A pupil of Le Brun, he was more influenced by Veronese and Correggio,…

La Bruyère, Jean de

(Encyclopedia) La Bruyère, Jean deLa Bruyère, Jean dezhäN də lä brüyĕrˈ [key], 1645–96, French writer. He lived (1684–96) as tutor in the house of the prince de Condé. His great work, Les Caractères…

Karplus, Martin

(Encyclopedia) Karplus, Martin, 1930–, Austrian-American theoretical chemist, b. Vienna, Ph.D. California Institute of Technology, 1953. He has been a professor at Harvard since 1967, studying the…

Karsavina, Tamara

(Encyclopedia) Karsavina, TamaraKarsavina, Tamaratəmäˈrə Kərsäˈvyĭnə [key], 1885–1978, Russian prima ballerina. Karsavina was trained in the Imperial Theatre School and the Mariinsky Theatre in St.…