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Brewer's: New Year's Day

January 1st. The ancient Romans began their year in March; hence such words as September, October, November, December, meaning the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th month, had a rational meaning. Since…

Brewer's: Harlequin

means a species of drama in two parts, the introduction and the harlequinade, acted in dumb show. The prototype is the Roman atellanæ but our Christmas pantomime or harlequinade is…

Brewer's: Feasts

Anniversary days of joy. They are either immovable or movable. The chief immovable feasts are the four rent-days—viz. the Annunciation or Lady-Day (March 25th), the Nativity of John the…

Brewer's: Swaddler

A contemptuous synonym for Protestant used by the Roman Catholics. Cardinal Cullen, in 1869, gave notice that he would deprive of the sacrament all parents who sent their children to be…

Brewer's: Bertha

The betrothed of John of Leyden, but, being a vassal of Count Oberthal, she was unable to marry without her lord's consent. When she went with her mother to ask permission of marriage, the…

Brewer's: Cap Verses

(To). Having the metre fixed and the last letter of the previous line given, to add a verse beginning with the given letter (of the same metre or not, according to prearrangement) thus:…

Weather: Big-City Snows

Big-City SnowsWeatherBlowing Cold and Hot: The Big OnesWinter Gone SouthBig-City SnowsStorm of the Century?The Greatest One of AllModern Winter of Deep SnowsGalveston Storm SurgeThe Great New England…

Rosh Hashanah is Jewish New Year

Feast of the Trumpets remembers world's creation Rosh Hashanah begins September 20, 2017 Related Links Lost Tribes of Israel Branches of Judaism Yom Kippur Jewish Holiday Dates…

Camping by the Pacific

Chapter 17 Chapter 19 Camping by the Pacific Next in importance to the building of a winter camp was the fixing of a place where salt could be made. Salt is absolutely necessary…

Lewis & Clark: Camping by the Pacific

by NoahBrooks From Tidewater to the SeaWith Faces turned HomewardCamping by the Pacific Next in importance to the building of a winter camp was the fixing of a place…