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Brewer's: Azrael

(3 syl.). The angel that watches over the dying, and takes the soul from the body. The angel of death. He will be the last to die, but will do so at the second trump of the archangel. “The…

Brewer's: Perth

is Celtic for a bush. The county of Perth is the county of bushes. Fair Maid of Perth. Catherine Glover, daughter of Simon Glover, glover, of Perth. Her lover is Henry Gow, alias Henry…

Brewer's: Mince Pies

at Christmas time are emblematical of the manger in which our Saviour was laid. The paste over the “offering” was made in form of a cratch or hay-rack. (See Plum Pudding.) Mince pies.…

Brewer's: Moses' Rod

So the divining-rod was usually called. The divining-rod was employed to discover water or mineral treasure. In Blackwood's Magazine (May, 1850) we are told that nobody sinks a well in…

Brewer's: Quaint

means odd, peculiar. A quaint phrase means a fanciful phrase, one not expressed in the ordinary way. “His garment was very quaint and odd; ... a long, long way behind the time.” —Dickens:…

Brewer's: Mumpers

Beggars, Leland calls it a gipsy word. In Norwich, Christmas waits used to be called “Mumpers.” In Lincolnshire, “Boxing-day” is called Mumping-day (q.v.). To mump is to beg. Beggars are…

Brewer's: Mumping Day

St. Thomas's Day, December 21. A day on which the poor used to go about begging, or, as it was called, “going a-gooding,” that is, getting gifts to procure good things for Christmas (mump…

Brewer's: Good Friday

The anniversary of the Crucifixion. “Good” means holy. Probably good = God, as in the phrase “Good-bye” (q.v.). Born on Good Friday. According to ancient superstition, those born on…

Brewer's: Decking Churches

Isaiah (lx. 13) says: “The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee; the fir-tree, the pine-tree, and the box together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary.” The “glory of Lebanon” is the…

Brewer's: King of Misrule

Sometimes called LORD, and sometimes ABBOT, etc. At Oxford and Cambridge one of the Masters of Arts superintended both the Christmas and Candlemas sports, for which he was allowed a fee of…