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Displaying 401 - 410

Kubelík, Jan

(Encyclopedia) Kubelík, JanKubelík, Janyän k&oomacr;ˈbəlĭk [key], 1880–1940, Czech violinist. Kubelík studied with Otakar Ševčik at the Prague Conservatory. He made his debut in Vienna in 1898…

Armour, Philip Danforth

(Encyclopedia) Armour, Philip DanforthArmour, Philip Danforthärˈmər [key], 1832–1901, American meatpacker, b. Stockbridge, N.Y. Armour's Chicago meatpacking plants introduced new principles of large-…

La Grange

(Encyclopedia) La GrangeLa Grangelə grānj [key]. 1 City (1990 pop. 25,597), seat of Troupe co., W central Ga., inc. 1828. It is an industrial center that produces lumber, plastics, textiles, and…

Hull, Bobby

(Encyclopedia) Hull, Bobby (Robert Marvin Hull, Jr.), 1939–, Canadian hockey player. Considered to be the best left wing in the sport's history, Hull was skating from age three and began playing with…

Hines, Earl “Fatha”

(Encyclopedia) Hines, Earl “Fatha” (Earl Kenneth Hines)Hines, Earl “Fatha”fäˈᵺə [key], 1903–83, American jazz pianist, b. Duquesne, Pa. The son of musicians, he played jazz piano in big bands as a…

Hough, George Washington

(Encyclopedia) Hough, George WashingtonHough, George Washingtonhŭf [key], 1836–1909, American astronomer, b. Montgomery co., N.Y., grad. Union College, 1856. He discovered 627 double stars and made…

Karlin, John Elias

(Encyclopedia) Karlin, John Elias, American industrial psychologist and human-factors engineering pioneer, b. Johannesburg, South Africa, grad. Univ. of Cape Town (B.A., M.A.), Univ. of Chicago (Ph.D…


(Encyclopedia) MainbocherMainbochermĕnˌbōshāˈ [key] (Main Rousseau Bocher), 1891–1976, American fashion designer, b. Chicago. He was known for his expensive, elegant evening clothes; cardigan…

Munkácsy, Mihály

(Encyclopedia) Munkácsy, MihályMunkácsy, Mihálymĭˈhälyə m&oobreve;nˈkächĭ [key], 1844–1909, Hungarian genre and historical painter, whose original name was Michael Lieb. In 1868 he went to…

Muti, Riccardo

(Encyclopedia) Muti, RiccardoMuti, Riccardorēk-kärˈdō m&oomacr;ˈtē [key], 1941–, Italian conductor. Principal conductor of the Maggio Musicale (1969–81) in Florence and of the Philharmonia…