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Struck by Lightning

Zeus, park rangers, and the probability of being struck by lightning by Borgna Brunner Lightning Links Lightning Dangers & Fatality StatisticsEncyclopedia: LightningWeather &…

Amy Lowell: Paris, April, 1814

Paris, April, 1814Cold, impassive, the marble arch of the Place du Carrousel. Haughty, contemptuous, the marble arch of the Place du Carrousel. Like a woman raped by force, rising above her…

Malaria: Fever and Ague: Malaria's Symptoms

Fever and Ague: Malaria's SymptomsMalariaIntroductionA Nasty ParasiteFever and Ague: Malaria's SymptomsA Frustrating, Yet Curable, DiseasePrevention and Cure People infected with malaria typically…

Brewer's: Linne

(The Heir of). The Lord of Linne was a great spendthrift, “who wasted his substance in riotous living.” Having spent all, he sold his estates to John o' the Scales, his steward, reserving…

Brewer's: Killed by Inches

In allusion to divers ways of prolonging capital punishments in olden times; e.g.: (1) The “iron coffin of Lissa.” The prisoner was laid in the coffin, and saw the iron lid creep slowly…

Brewer's: Hagan of Trony

or Haco of Norway, son of Aldrian, liegeman of Günther, King of Burgundy. Günther invited Siegfried to a hunt of wild beasts, but while the king of Netherland stooped to drink from a brook…

The Expense of the New Government, 1788

The Expense of the New GovernmentAbstract From The Feeeman's Oracle and New Hampshire Advertiser, January 11, 1788, by "A FARMER" by See also Federalist No. 13.… Great complaint has been made…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Titmouse

The TitmouseYou shall not be overbold When you deal with arctic cold, As late I found my lukewarm blood Chilled wading in the snow-choked wood. How should I fight? my foeman fine Has million…