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(Encyclopedia) Honolulu Honolulu hŏnˌəl&oomacr;ˈl&oomacr;, hōnō– [key], city (…


(Encyclopedia) ChouteauChouteaush&oomacr;tōˈ [key], family of American fur traders. René Auguste Chouteau, 1749–1829, b. New Orleans, accompanied (1763) his stepfather, Pierre Laclede, on a…

Audubon, John James

(Encyclopedia) Audubon, John JamesAudubon, John Jamesôˈdəbŏn [key], 1785–1851, American ornithologist, b. Les Cayes, Santo Domingo (now Haiti). The illegitimate son of a French sea captain and…

Boone, Daniel

(Encyclopedia) Boone, Daniel, 1734–1820, American frontiersman, b. Oley (now Exeter) township, near Reading, Pa. The Boones, English Quakers, left Pennsylvania in 1750 and settled (1751 or 1752) in…

Wilkinson, James

(Encyclopedia) Wilkinson, James, 1757–1825, American general and one of the most corrupt and devious officers in the nation's early army, b. Calvert co., Md. Abandoning his medical studies in 1776 to…

Perry, Matthew Calbraith

(Encyclopedia) Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 1794–1858, American naval officer, b. South Kingstown, R.I.; brother of Oliver Hazard Perry. Appointed a midshipman in 1809, he first served under his brother…

Candide: Cunegund's Story

How the Old Woman Took Care O... What Happened to Cunegund, Ca... Cunegund's Story I was in bed, and fast asleep, when it pleased Heaven to send the Bulgarians to our delightful…

Judith: 14

Judith Chapter 14 1 Then said Judith unto them, Hear me now, my brethren, and take this head, and hang it upon the highest place of your walls. 2 And so soon as the morning shall…

This Cup Runneth Over?

U.S. Ryder Cup team faces a tough European challenge by Gerry Brown & Mike Morrison Tiger Woods is the top-ranked player in the world. Fear him. (Source/AP) Related Links 1997 Ryder Cup…

Top 25 Fantasy & Sci-Fi Movie Quotes

Top of Page Words, in the not-so-humble opinion of a great wizard, are our most inexhaustible source of magic. And fantasy and science fiction movies provide us with some of the most magical and…