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Great Migration

(Encyclopedia) Great Migration, in U.S. history. 1 The migration of Puritans to New England from England, 1620–40, prior to the English civil war. As a result of the increasingly tyrannical rule of…

San Marino Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note San Marino Index: People and History Government Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-San Marino Relations PEOPLE AND HISTORYThe…

Bob Lackey 2002 Deaths

Bob LackeyAge: 53 Marquette forward, who joined coach Al McGwire's team as a diamond in the rough and left as his smooth-playing captain known as "the Black Swan" and "Captain Bob"; Casper…

1 Chronicles: 12

1 Chronicles Chapter 12 1 Now these are they that came to David to Ziklag, while he yet kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kish: and they were among the mighty men,…

Brewer's: Chestnut

A stale joke. In The Broken Sword, an old melodrama by William Dillon, Captain Xavier is for ever telling the same jokes with variations. He was telling about one of his exploits…

Camping by the Pacific

Chapter 17 Chapter 19 Camping by the Pacific Next in importance to the building of a winter camp was the fixing of a place where salt could be made. Salt is absolutely necessary…

Overland east of the Columbia

Chapter 20 Chapter 22 Overland east of the Columbia It was now early in May, and the expedition, travelling eastward along Touchet Creek, were in the country of their friends,…

Lewis & Clark: Camping by the Pacific

by NoahBrooks From Tidewater to the SeaWith Faces turned HomewardCamping by the Pacific Next in importance to the building of a winter camp was the fixing of a place…