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Displaying 361 - 370

John Donne: Self-Love

Self-LoveHe that cannot choose but love, And strives against it still, Never shall my fancy move, For he loves against his will; Nor he which is all his own, And cannot pleasure choose; When…

Florence Wilkinson: The Fugitives

The FugitivesFlorence WilkinsonWe are they that go, that go, Plunging before the hidden blow. We run the byways of the earth, For we are fugitive from birth, Blindfolded, with wide hands…

The Supreme Court: Controlling Our Bodies

Controlling Our BodiesThe Supreme CourtControlling Our BodiesLimiting Abortion RightsDenying the Right to DieUsing MarijuanaForcing Drug Tests Most of us think of the abortion issue when…

Fantastic Fables, Ambrose Bierce: The Pavior

45 47 The Pavior AN Author saw a Labourer hammering stones into the pavement of a street, and approaching him said: "My friend, you seem weary. Ambition is a hard taskmaster." "I'm working for…

Campaign-Finance Reform: History and Timeline

A look at early campaign finance legislation and efforts to regulate fund raising for political campaigns by Beth Rowen Related Links Watergate Overview Presidential Scandals: Nixon and…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 77

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 76Federalist No. 78Federalist No. 77 The Appointing Power Continued and Other Powers of the Executive Considered To the…