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Displaying 351 - 360

Tao Te Ching: Chapter 14

Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) by Laozi, trans. James Legge Chapter 13 Chapter 15 Chapter 14 1 We look at it, and we do not see it, and we name it 'the Equable.' We listen to it, and we do not…

Marbury v. Madison

The decision in this Supreme Court Case established the right of the courts to determine the constitutionality of the actions of the other two branches of government. Outgoing…

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) Opinion

This Supreme Court Case addressed the issue of Federal power and commerce. In the landmark Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland, Chief Justice John Marshall handed down one of his most…

Walt Whitman: Song of Myself, Part 24

Part 24Walt Whitman, a kosmos, of Manhattan the son, Turbulent, fleshy, sensual, eating, drinking and breeding, No sentimentalist, no stander above men and women or apart from them, No more…

Coleridge: Christabel, Notes

The Ancient MarinerKubla KhanChristabel 25,6-7-This couplet ran as follows in the first edition: "Sir Leoline, the Baron rich, Hath a toothless mastiff bitch." In the editions of…

Brewer's: Cake

A fool, a poor thing. (Cf. HALF-BAKED.) Cake To take the cake. To carry off the prize. The reference is to the prize-cake to the person who succeeded best in a given competition. In…

Ecclesiastes: 1

Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. 2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. 3 What…

Fantastic Fables, Ambrose Bierce: The Pavior

45 47 The Pavior AN Author saw a Labourer hammering stones into the pavement of a street, and approaching him said: "My friend, you seem weary. Ambition is a hard taskmaster." "I'm working for…