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(Encyclopedia) CE5 RwandaRwandar&oobreve;änˈdä [key], officially Republic of Rwanda, republic (2015 est. pop. 11,630,000), 10,169 sq mi (26,338 sq km), E central Africa. It borders on Congo (…

Guinea, country, Africa

(Encyclopedia) CE5 GuineaGuineagĭnˈē [key], officially Republic of Guinea, republic (2015 est. pop. 12,092,000), 94,925 sq mi (245,856 sq km), W Africa. It is bounded on the north by Guinea-Bissau…

Djibouti, country, Africa

(Encyclopedia) CE5 DjiboutiDjiboutijēb&oomacr;tēˈ [key], officially Republic of Djibouti, republic (2015 est. pop. 828,000), c.8,900 sq mi (23,057 sq km), E Africa, on the Gulf of Aden. It is…

Samoa, country, SW Pacific Ocean

(Encyclopedia) Samoa, formerly Western Samoa, officially Independent State of Samoa, constitutional monarchy (2015 est. pop. 194,000), South Pacific, comprising the western half of the Samoa island…


(Encyclopedia) bossism, in U.S. history, system of political control centering about a single powerful figure (the boss) and a complex organization of lesser figures (the machine) bound together by…

Weld, Theodore Dwight

(Encyclopedia) Weld, Theodore Dwight, 1803–95, American abolitionist, b. Hampton, Conn. In 1825 his family moved to upstate New York, and he entered Hamilton College. While in college he became a…


(Encyclopedia) voting, method of registering collective approval or disapproval of a person or a proposal. The term generally refers to the process by which citizens choose candidates for public…

Socialist party

(Encyclopedia) Socialist party, in U.S. history, political party formed to promote public control of the means of production and distribution. In 1898 the Social Democratic party was formed by a…

free silver

(Encyclopedia) free silver, in U.S. history, term designating the political movement for the unlimited coinage of silver. In 1896 free silver became the major issue of a presidential campaign when…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Belarus or Byelarus Byelarus both: byĕˌlər&oomacr;sˈ [key], officially Republic of Belarus,…