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Agricultural Output by State, 2004 Crops

StateCorn(1,000 bu) Wheat(1,000 bu) Cotton, ginned(1,000 ba) Potatoes(1,000 cwt) Rice(1,000 cwt) Cattle(1,000 head) Hogs and pigs1(1,000 head)Alabama23,9852,880820228 1,360.0180.0Alaska 13.51.…

Farm Income

(in millions of dollars) This table features the U.S. farm income from 1930 to 2007, including the major categories of crops, livestock, government payments, and the…

Government Employment and Payrolls

Employees (in thousands) October payrolls (in millions)Year and function Total Federal1State Local Total Federal1State Local1940 4,474 1,128 3,346 $ 566 177 $3891945 6,556 3,375 3,181 1,110 642…

World Port Ranking, 2003

Total cargo volume, metric tons (1,000s)Container traffic (TEUs) (1,000s)1RankPortCountryTonsRankPortCountryTEUs1.SingaporeSingapore347,6941.Hong KongChina20,4992.RotterdamNetherlands326,9582.…

U.S. Light Vehicle Production by Manufacturer

Manufacturer19851990199519981999Cars American Motors111,1380000AutoAlliance0184,428149,562167,268165,143BMW0011,87754,80248,394Chrysler Corp. 1,266,070726,753574,184433,631431,827Ford N.A…

Domestic Motor Vehicles Sales

(in thousands)Type of Vehicle 199619951994 19931992 1990 1988 1985 1980Passenger Cars Passenger car factory sales 6,1406,3106,5495,962 5,684 6,050 7,105 8,002 6,400Passenger car (new) retail…