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Armenia Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Armenia Index: People and Historical Highlights Government and Political Conditions Economy Defense and Military Issues Foreign Relations U.S.-Armenian…

Daniel Libeskind, 2003 News

architect, in February won the contest to design the site at the World Trade Center, which was destroyed in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. His plans, which he has revised,…

Brewer's: Mortars

differ from guns, in having their trunnions placed behind the vent. They are short pieces, intended to project shells at high angles (45), and the shells thus projected fall almost…

Homework Center: Frequently Asked Questions

Homework Center Frequently Asked Questions Subjects » Geography » History » Language Arts » Mathematics » Science » Social StudiesSkillsWriting | ResearchSpeaking &…

Samoa Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Samoa Index: Geography and People History Political Conditions Economy GEOGRAPHY AND PEOPLE Samoa consists of the two large islands of Upolu and…

model and modeling

(Encyclopedia) model and modeling, in painting, the use of light and shade to simulate volume in the representation of solids. In sculpture the terms denote a technique involving the use of a pliable…

Monumenta Germaniae historica

(Encyclopedia) Monumenta Germaniae historicaMonumenta Germaniae historicamŏny&oomacr;mĕnˈtə jərmāˈnē-ē hĭstôrˈĭkə [key], comprehensive critical editions of the sources of medieval German history…

Mansfield, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield. 1 Town (1990 pop. 20,634), Tolland co., NE Conn.; settled c.1692, inc. 1702. It is an agricultural and manufacturing town. The Univ. of Connecticut is in Storrs, which is…

Marsh, Charles Wesley

(Encyclopedia) Marsh, Charles Wesley, 1834–1918, American inventor and editor, b. Ontario. In 1849 his family moved to De Kalb co., Ill. Assisted by his brother William, he designed a hand-binding…

Levine, Jack

(Encyclopedia) Levine, JackLevine, Jackləvīnˈ [key], 1915–2010, American painter, b. Boston. Levine began his career with the Federal Arts Project. His savagely realistic paintings, executed with…