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Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Prof. K. H. Grote, Ph.D. Tell us about your work---what do you do? I teach mechanical engineering students at a major university and conduct…

fire escape

(Encyclopedia) fire escape, in architecture, device, either fixed or movable, to facilitate escape from a burning building. In the United States the term usually is applied to the common iron…


(Encyclopedia) MalheurMalheurməl&oobreve;rˈ [key], river, c.165 mi (270 km) long, rising in several branches in the Strawberry Mts., E Oregon. The united stream flows generally NE to the Snake…


(Encyclopedia) modellomodellomōdĕlˈlō [key], small plan of a major work presented by Renaissance and baroque artists to the patron who commissioned the work. The modello was intended to show the…


(Encyclopedia) Layton, city (1990 pop. 41,784), Davis co., N Utah, between the Wasatch Range and Great Salt Lake. In an irrigated farm area served by the Weber basin project, it produces fruits and…