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Brewer's: Parvis

(London). The “place” or court before the main entrance of a cathedral. In the parvis of St. Paul's lawyers used to meet for consultation, as brokers do in exchange. The word is now…

Brewer's: Pander

To pander to one's vices is to act as an agent to them, and such an agent is termed a pander, from Pandarus, who procures for Troilus the love and graces of Cressida. In Much Ado about…

You’ve Got Spam: How to “Can” Unwanted Email

Source: Federal Trade Commission. As more people use email, marketers are increasingly using email messages to pitch their products and services. Some consumers find unsolicited commercial email—also…

Overview: The Israel-Palestine Conflict

Top of Page The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an intricate and important situation, as well as a saga that has captivated the attention of the international community for decades. In this tale of…

Brewer's: Account

Account′ To open an account.To enter a customer's name on your ledger for the first time. (Latin, accomputare, to reckon with.) To keep open accountis when merchants agree to honour each…

Shelley v. Kraemer (1948)

Case SummaryKraemer and other white property owners governed by a restrictive covenant brought suit in Illinois State court seeking to block the Shelley family, who were African-American,…

Brewer's: Frippery

Rubbish of a tawdry character; worthless finery; foolish levity. A friperer or fripperer is one who deals in frippery, either to sell or clean old clothes. (French, friperie, old clothes…