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Iconic Presidential Moments: Jimmy Carter

There are images that will stay with us forever. From FDR notifying the world that the U.S. had entered WWII, to Obama's trademark fist bump at the Democratic National Convention, these…

Car Names

In a Dodge Diplomat, a soccer mom feels positively patrician by Borgna Brunner 1958 Corvette Convertible Related Links Most Popular Car ColorsLeast and Most Polluting CarsMost…

Brewer's: Rickety Stock

Stock bought or sold for a man of straw. If the client cannot pay, the broker must. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894RicochetRick Mould A B C D E F G H…

October Current Events 2022: World News

Top of Page US News | Disaster News | Science & Technology News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the World…

Brewer's: Jobber

One who does small jobs; one who buys from merchants to sell to retailers; a middle-man. A “stock-jobber” is one who buys and sells public funds, but is not a sworn stock-broker. Source…

Brewer's: Lumber

(from Lombard). A pawn-broker's shop. Thus Lady Murray writes: “They put all the little plate they had in the lumber, which is pawning it, till the ships came home.” Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Shelf

Laid on the shelf, or shelved. A government officer no longer actively employed; an actor no longer assigned a part; a young lady past the ordinary age of marriage; a pawn at the broker's…

2010 Year in Review - Iran

Major World News Stories of 2010 Flag of Greece Related Links Greece Country Profile 2010 Year in Review 2010 News of the Nation 2010 People in the News…

Brewer's: Light Horsemen

Those who live by plunder by night. Those who live by plunder in the daytime are Heavy Horsemen. These horsemen take what they can crib aboard ship, such as coffee-beans, which they call…