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Mugabe, Robert Gabriel

(Encyclopedia) Mugabe, Robert GabrielMugabe, Robert Gabrielm&oomacr;gäˈbē, –bā [key], 1924–2019, president of Zimbabwe (1987–2017). A founder of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) in 1963…

Know-Nothing movement

(Encyclopedia) Know-Nothing movement, in U.S. history. The increasing rate of immigration in the 1840s encouraged nativism. In Eastern cities where Roman Catholic immigrants especially had…

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

(Encyclopedia) Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), sometimes called Campbellites, a Protestant religious body founded early in the 19th cent. in the United States. Its primary thesis is that the…

Almodóvar, Pedro

(Encyclopedia) Almodóvar, PedroAlmodóvar, Pedropāˈᵺrō älmōᵺōˈbär [key], 1951–, Spanish film director. Almodóvar began making short films using an inexpensive Super 8 camera in the early 1970s,…


(Encyclopedia) JaliscoJaliscohälēˈskō [key], state (1990 pop. 5,302,689), 31,152 sq mi (80,684 sq km), W Mexico, bounded on the west by the Pacific. Guadalajara is the capital. Jalisco is dominated…


(Encyclopedia) Grisons Grisons grēsŏnzˈ, Fr. grēzôNˈ [key], Ger. Graubünden, Ital.…


(Encyclopedia) stratospherestratospherestrătˈəsfēr [key], second lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere. The level from which it extends outward varies with latitude; it begins c.51&fslsh;2 mi (9…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 24, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 23, 1805May 25, 1805May 24, 1805 Friday May 24th 1805. The water standing in the vessels freized during the night 1/8 of an inch thick, ice…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 20, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 19, 1805May 21, 1805May 20, 1805 Monday May 20th 1805 Set out at an early hour as usual, the banks being favourable and water strong we…