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Atlanta campaign

(Encyclopedia) Atlanta campaign, May–Sept., 1864, of the U.S. Civil War. In the spring of 1864, Gen. W. T. Sherman concentrated the Union armies of G. H. Thomas, J. B. McPherson, and J. M. Schofield…

shaft sinking

(Encyclopedia) shaft sinking, excavation from the surface of an opening in the earth. Shafts, which are generally vertical, are usually distinguished from tunnels, which are horizontal. Little…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 6, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 5, 1806June 7, 1806June 6, 1806 Friday June 6th 1806. This morning Frazier returned having been in quest of some roots and bread which had…

2005 MTV Music Video Awards

The 2005 Video Music Awards were presented August 28, 2005. Video of the Year Green Day, “Boulevard of Broken Dreams…

Augustin Reed HUMPHREY, Congress, NE (1859-1937)

HUMPHREY Augustin Reed , a Representative from Nebraska; born near Madison, Jefferson County, Ind., February 18, 1859; moved with his parents to Drakesville, Davis County, Iowa, in 1864; attended…

Gell-Mann, Murray

(Encyclopedia) Gell-Mann, MurrayGell-Mann, Murraygĕlˈ-män [key], 1929–2019, American theoretical physicist, b. New York City, grad. Yale 1948, Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1951. He…


(Encyclopedia) HarijansHarijanshârˈĭjănzˌ [key] [children of God], in India, individuals who are at the bottom of or outside the Hindu caste system. They were traditionally sweepers, washers of…

Fielding, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Fielding, Henry, 1707–54, English novelist and dramatist. Born of a distinguished family, he was educated at Eton and studied law at Leiden. Settling in London in 1729, he began…


(Encyclopedia) fermentation, process by which the living cell is able to obtain energy through the breakdown of glucose and other simple sugar molecules without requiring oxygen. Fermentation is…