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Broken Hill

(Encyclopedia) Broken Hill, city, New South Wales, SE Australia, near the South Australia border. Since 1883 it has been a principal center of zinc and…

Broken English

Director:Gregor NicholasWriters: Gregor Nicholas, Johanna Pigott and Jim SalterDirector of Photography:John ToonEditor:David CoulsonMusic:Murray Grindlay and Murray McNabbProduction Designer:…

Rules That Needed to be Broken

Rule changes this century that shaped the way players play and fans talk about sports today. by John Gettings Could last summer's amazing home run totals in Major League Baseball have something…

Brewer's: Broken Feather

(A ). A broken feather in his wing. A scandal connected with one's character. “If an angel were to walk about, Mrs. Sam Hurst would never rest till she had found out where he came from;…

Brewer's: Broken on the Wheel

(See Break.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894BrokerBroken Feather A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Brewer's: Friendships Broken

(Eng. Hist.): Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex. Henry II. and Thomas Becket. Henry VIII. and Cardinal Wolsey. Newman (J.H.) and Whately. Wesley and Whitefield. Other examples in other…

John Donne: The Broken Heart

The Broken HeartHe is stark mad, whoever says, That he hath been in love an hour, Yet not that love so soon decays, But that it can ten in less space devour; Who will believe me,…

Sara Teasdale: The Broken Field

The Broken FieldMy soul is a dark ploughed field In the cold rain; My soul is a broken field Ploughed by pain.Where grass and bending flowers Were growing, The field lies broken now For…

Brewer's: Stone of the Broken Treaty

Limerick. About a century and a half ago England made a solemn compact with Ireland. Ireland promised fealty, and England promised to guarantee to the Irish people civil and religious…

Brewer's: Golden Bowl is Broken

(The). Death has supervened. “Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the…