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Civil Rights at the Olympics

Black medallists raise fists for Civil Rights Movement Tommie Smith (center) and John Carlos raise fists for Black Power in 1968. (Source: AP) Related Links Olympics Overview 2012…

American Reparations?

Robinson's new book asks "What is Owed to Blacks?" by Jace Clayton Related Links Black History MonthBlack History TimelineHolocaust ReparationsRandall Robinson's book of…

Famous Firsts by African Americans

500 Notable African American Biographies A-Z List Civil Rights Leaders Figures in Abolitionism Government Officials Religious Leaders Scholars & Educators Scientists…

Great Days in Harlem

The birth of the Harlem Renaissance by Beth Rowen & Borgna Brunner   Zora Neale Hurston, 1935 The orig. manuscript of Hughes's Ballad of Booker T. Related Links…

Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement

  Learn about the heroes of the American civil rights movement, including Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, and more. by Borgna Brunner Rosa Parks, seated on a Montgomery…

The Murder of Medgar Evers

Byron De La Beckwith was convicted of murdering Evers in 1994, 30 years after the fact Related Links Black History Month Encyclopedia: Civil Rights For Kids: Civil Rights Heroes…

Birmingham Church Bombing

Almost four decades after four girls were murdered, the last killer was put behind bars Related Links Black History Month Encyclopedia: Civil Rights For Kids: Civil Rights Heroes…