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Reckoning with Slavery

Edward Ball received the National Book Award for Slaves in the Family, an exploration of the shared experience of masters and slaves in his family's plantation past. But the book is only the…

Tarnished Heritage

Elias "Red Cap" Ball founded a plantation dynasty that endured for more than two centuries.As a work of genealogy, Slaves is impressive. In his research, Ball pored over more than ten…

Oral Tradition

James Poyas, pictured here in a daguerrotype taken shortly before his death in 1850, was one of many Ball men to father children by slaves.The black descendants of Ball slaves interviewed for…

The Rest of the Story

"We have a country with a tragic history that is as powerful as its heroic history. We have to incorporate those realities in our understanding of who we are... there's a missing part of the…

Joint Reckoning

Related Links Interview: Edward Ball1998 National Book AwardsInfoplease Celebrates Black History MonthThe Emancipation ProclamationPBS Online: Africans in AmericaShould the Government…

One Small Step

Edward Ball with his distant cousin Carolyn Smalls Goodson, a descendant of Ball slaves.In the course of his research, Ball attempted to calculate the number of descendants of Ball slaves…

Slaves in his Family

In Slaves in the Family, journalist Edward Ball explores the shared history of his South Carolina plantation family, and the people they enslaved. His work was recognized with the 1998…

"It Cuts Both Ways"

  "There was for a long time what used to be called, euphemistically, the 'colored elite'... light skinned black folks who descended from masters and slaves and who got educated and…

A Mixed Bag

  The family of Maum Agnes (seated), a former Ball slave. When this photograph was taken in about 1920, they were among the last sharecroppers on the Ball plantation of Quenby…

A Mixed Blessing

  A young boy on Quenby plantation. Slave children were usually put to work when they were about six years old. You've obviously uncovered some ugly chapters in your…