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Greenleaf, Simon

(Encyclopedia) Greenleaf, Simon, 1783–1853, American legal writer, b. Newburyport, Mass. A member of the Maine bar, he won a high reputation for legal scholarship early in his career. With the…

Guanajuato, city, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Guanajuato, city, capital of Guanajuato state, W central Mexico. The city, with an altitude of c.6,600 ft (2,000 m), is situated in the…

Villaraigosa, Antonio

(Encyclopedia) Villaraigosa, AntonioVillaraigosa, Antoniovēˌyärīgōˈsä [key], 1953–, American politician, b. Los Angeles as Antonio Villar; he changed his name in 1987 when he married Corina Raigosa.…

Bosch, Carl

(Encyclopedia) Bosch, Carl, 1874–1940, German chemist and engineer, Ph.D. Univ. of Leipzig, 1898. In 1899, Bosch began working as a chemist for BASF, which merged with six other German chemical firms…

bo tree

(Encyclopedia) bo tree or pipalpipalpēˈpəl [key], fig tree (Ficus religiosa) of India held sacred by the Buddhists, who believe that Gautama received enlightenment under a bo tree at Bodh Gaya. A…

Brand, Sir John Henry

(Encyclopedia) Brand, Sir John Henry, or Jan Hendrik BrandJan Hendrik Brandyän hĕnˈdrək bränt [key], 1823–88, South African politician, president of the Orange Free State, b. Capetown. He was called…


(Encyclopedia) starling, any of a group of originally Old World birds that have become distributed worldwide. Starlings were released in New York City in 1890; since then the common, or European,…

Sturdee, Sir Frederick Charles Doveton

(Encyclopedia) Sturdee, Sir Frederick Charles DovetonSturdee, Sir Frederick Charles Dovetonstûrˈdē [key], 1859–1925, British admiral. He entered the navy in 1871 and rose to become (1914) chief of…


(Encyclopedia) MonctonMonctonmŭngkˈtən [key], city (1991 pop. 57,010), SE N.B., Canada, on the Petitcodiac River. Although its rail repair yards were closed in 1988, it is an air and rail…

Manchin, Joseph III

(Encyclopedia) Manchin, Joseph III, 1947 - , Senator from West Virginia, b. Farmington, W. Va., West Va. Univ. (B.B.A., 1970). Manchin's father and…