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Chinchilla Miranda, Laura

(Encyclopedia) Chinchilla Miranda, Laura, 1959–, Costa Rican politian, president of Costa Rica (2010–). Before entering politics she worked as a consultant for international agencies in Latin America…

Clausel, Bertrand

(Encyclopedia) Clausel or Clauzel, BertrandClausel or Clauzel, BertrandbĕrträNˈ klōzĕlˈ [key], 1772–1842, marshal of France. Having served in the French Revolutionary Wars and in the Napoleonic…

bow, in music

(Encyclopedia) bowbowbō [key], implement used in playing stringed instruments. Its name originated from the fact that in its early form it resembled an archer's bow, but by the 17th cent. the…


(Encyclopedia) Bozeman, city (2020 pop. 53,293), seat of Gallatin co., SW Mont.; inc. 1883. Named after John M. Bozeman, who led settlers here in 1864…

Castilla, Ramón

(Encyclopedia) Castilla, RamónCastilla, Ramónrämōnˈ kästēˈyä [key], 1797–1867, president of Peru (1845–51, 1855–62). He fought under Antonio José de Sucre in the revolution against Spain (1821–24) in…

biogenetic law

(Encyclopedia) biogenetic law, in biology, a law stating that the earlier stages of embryos of species advanced in the evolutionary process, such as humans, resemble the embryos of ancestral species…

West, Franz

(Encyclopedia) West, Franz, 1947–2012, Austrian artist, known especially for his eccentric and fanciful sculpture, studied Academy of Applied Arts, Vienna. He first became known in the 1970s for his…

Hiss, Alger

(Encyclopedia) Hiss, AlgerHiss, Algerălˈjər [key], 1904–96, American public official, b. Baltimore. After serving (1929–30) as secretary to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Hiss practiced law in Boston…


(Encyclopedia) mediation, in law, type of intervention in which the disputing parties accept the offer of a third party to recommend a solution for their controversy. Mediation has long been a part…

Calatrava, Santiago

(Encyclopedia) Calatrava, Santiago, 1951–, Spanish architect, grad. Institute of Architecture, Valencia (1974), Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (Ph.D., 1981). He opened an architectural and…