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Loomis, Elias

(Encyclopedia) Loomis, Elias, 1811–89, American physicist and mathematician, b. Willington, Conn., grad. Yale, 1830. He taught at Western Reserve (1837–44), at New York Univ. (1844–47, 1849–60), and…

chapter house

(Encyclopedia) chapter house, a building in which the chapter of the clergy meets. Its plan varies, the simplest being a rectangle. At Worcester, England, the Norman builders created a circular…

Chain, Ernst Boris

(Encyclopedia) Chain, Ernst Boris, 1906–79, English biochemist, b. Berlin, Germany. In 1933 he left Germany and went to England, where he conducted research at Cambridge from 1933 to 1935 and at…

Hyatt, Alpheus

(Encyclopedia) Hyatt, Alpheus, 1838–1902, American zoologist, b. Washington, D.C., grad. Harvard, 1862. He was a devoted follower of Louis Agassiz. From 1870, Hyatt was custodian and later curator of…

Abbo of Fleury

(Encyclopedia) Abbo of FleuryAbbo of Fleuryäbōˈ, flörēˈ [key], Fr. Abbon de Fleury, 945?–1004, French monk at the abbey of Fleury (at present-day Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire, France). Head of the…

molar volume

(Encyclopedia) molar volume, the volume occupied by a mole of a substance at STP. According to Avogadro's law, at a given temperature and pressure a given volume of any gas contains the same number…

Putnam, Israel

(Encyclopedia) Putnam, Israel, 1718–90, American Revolutionary general, b. Salem (now Danvers), Mass. A farmer at Pomfret, Conn., he fought in the French and Indian Wars, seeing action at Montreal (…

Rogers, Lindsay

(Encyclopedia) Rogers, Lindsay, 1891–1970, American political scientist, b. Baltimore, grad. Johns Hopkins (B.A., 1912; Ph.D., 1915). He was (1914–15) a fellow in political science at Johns Hopkins…

Pegasus, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia) PegasusPegasuspĕgˈəsəs [key], in astronomy, northern constellation lying SW of Andromeda and SE of Cygnus. It is named for the mythological winged horse Pegasus. The constellation is…

Cordier, Andrew Wellington

(Encyclopedia) Cordier, Andrew WellingtonCordier, Andrew Wellingtonkôrˈdē-āˌ [key], 1901–75, American educator and public official, b. Canton, Ohio. He studied at Manchester College in Indiana, where…