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The Evolution of Witch-Hunting?

The life and death of the Independent Counsel Act by Tasha Vincent The man who started it all. By the numbers: Number of investigations since inception: 20 Estimated cost to taxpayers: $150…

Federal Farmer I

Federal Farmer I8 October 1787AbstractIn his first letter, The Federal Farmer questions the urgency of replacing the Articles of Confederation, and questions the motives of those who urge…

Centinel II (excerpt)

Centinel II (excerpt)24 October 1787by See also Federalist No. 47…Mr. [James] Wilson asserts that never was charge made with less reason, than that which predicts the institution of a baneful…

Treaty of Ghent: Article the Fourth

Article the ThirdArticle the FifthArticle the Fourth Whereas it was stipulated by the second Article in the Treaty of Peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty three between His…

May 2009 Current Events: World News

U.S. News | Business/Science News Here are the key events in world news for the month of May 2009. First Female Poet Laureate Appointed in UK (May 1): For the first time in 341 years, a woman is…

Facts About Senators

Oldest, youngest, first female, and other famous firsts by Ann-Marie Imbornoni The first woman to serve as a senator was Rebecca Felton, D-Ga., who was appointed to the post in…

Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy, 2000 News

the army's highest-ranking woman, acknowledged in April that in 1999 she filed a sexual misconduct complaint against Maj. Gen. Larry Smith, alleging he groped and tried to kiss her in 1996…