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Displaying 411 - 420

Jacob BURNET, Congress, OH (1770-1853)

Senate Years of Service: 1828-1829; 1829-1831 Party: Adams; Anti-Jackson BURNET Jacob , a Senator from Ohio; born in Newark, N.J., February 22, 1770; pursued preparatory studies; graduated from…

Simon Barclay CONOVER, Congress, FL (1840-1908)

Senate Years of Service: 1873-1879 Party: Republican CONOVER Simon Barclay , a Senator from Florida; born in Middlesex County, N.J., September 23, 1840; attended an academy in Trenton, N.J.;…

James Patton ANDERSON, Congress, WA (1822-1872)

ANDERSON James Patton , a Delegate from the Territory of Washington; born near Winchester, Franklin County, Tenn., February 16, 1822; was graduated from Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa., in 1842…

William WILKINS, Congress, PA (1779-1865)

Senate Years of Service: 1831-1834 Party: Jacksonian WILKINS William , a Senator and a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Carlisle, Pa., December 20, 1779; attended Dickinson College,…

Levi WOODBURY, Congress, NH (1789-1851)

Senate Years of Service: 1825-1831; 1841-1845 Party: Jacksonian; Democrat WOODBURY Levi , a Senator from New Hampshire; born in Francestown, N.H., December 22, 1789; graduated from Dartmouth…

Federalist No. 68

No 67 No 69 The Mode of Electing the President From the New York Packet.Friday, March 14, 1788. Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: THE mode of…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 68

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 67Federalist No. 69Federalist No. 68 The Mode of Electing the President To the People of the State of New York: The mode…