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Hallaj, Hussein ibn Mansur al-

(Encyclopedia) Hallaj, Hussein ibn Mansur al-Hallaj, Hussein ibn Mansur al-h&oomacr;sānˈ ĭbn mäns&oobreve;rˈ [key], 857–922, Arabic-speaking Persian Muslim mystic and poet popularly known…

Karrer, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Karrer, Paul, 1889–1971, Swiss organic chemist, Ph.D. Univ. of Zürich, 1911. From 1912 to 1918, Karrer was a chemist at the Georg Speyer Haus, Frankfurt-am-Main. He left in 1919 to…

Engelmann, George

(Encyclopedia) Engelmann, GeorgeEngelmann, Georgeĕngˈəlmən [key], 1809–84, American physician and botanist, b. Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, educated at the universities of Heidelberg and Würzburg (M.D…

Burns, Arthur Frank

(Encyclopedia) Burns, Arthur Frank, 1904–87, American economist, b. Austria, grad. Columbia Univ. (A.B., 1925; A.M., 1925; Ph.D., 1934). He taught economics at Rutgers Univ. (1927–44), and then…

Schlesinger, James Rodney

(Encyclopedia) Schlesinger, James Rodney, 1929–2014, U.S. secretary of defense (1973–75) and secretary of energy (1977–79), b. New York City. After graduating from Harvard (A.B., 1950; A.M., 1952; Ph…


(Encyclopedia) Frankfurt Frankfurt frängkˈf&oobreve;rt [key] or Frankfurt am Main…

Hirsch, Samson Raphael

(Encyclopedia) Hirsch, Samson Raphael, 1808–88, German rabbi and chief exponent of Neo-Orthodoxy. As rabbi in Frankfurt-am-Main, he advocated the organization of autonomous Orthodox congregations…

Merian, Matthäus

(Encyclopedia) Merian, MatthäusMerian, Matthäusmätĕˈ&oobreve;s [key]Merian, Matthäus māˈrēän [key], the elder, 1593–1650, Swiss engraver and draftsman. In Frankfurt am Main from c.1623, he…

Williams, C. K.

(Encyclopedia) Williams, C. K. (Charles Kenneth Williams), 1936–2015, American poet, b. Newark, N.J., grad. Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1959. He wrote more than 20 books of poetry, rich in detail, with…