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A.M. Rosenthal 2006 Deaths

A.M. RosenthalAge: 84 journalist who as executive editor led the New York Times for 17 years, during which time the paper won 23 Pulitzer Prizes and published articles about the Pentagon…

Coué, Émile

(Encyclopedia) Coué, ÉmileCoué, Émileāmēlˈ kwā [key], 1857–1926, French psychotherapist. He is remembered for his formula for curing by optimistic autosuggestion, “Day by day, in every way, I am…

Sara Teasedale: "I Am Not Yours "

"I Am Not Yours "I am not yours, not lost in you, Not lost, altho' I long to be Lost as a candle lit at noon, Lost as a snow-flake in the sea.You love me, and I find you still A…

How Much Sun Am I Getting?

Though the amount of UV radiation to which you are exposed varies with the time of day, season, latitude, and altitude, it can also be increased depending on your immediate environment.…

Günther, Ignaz

(Encyclopedia) Günther, IgnazGünther, Ignazĭgˈnäts günˈtər [key], 1725–75, German sculptor. Günther produced numerous wood carvings that reveal mannerist and rococo influences. His elegant figures…

Münch, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Münch, CharlesMünch, Charlesshärl münsh [key], 1891–1968, French conductor and violinist, b. Alsace. Having conducted and directed orchestras in Paris (1933–48), Münch appeared for…