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water rights

(Encyclopedia) water rights, in law, the qualified privilege of a landowner to use the water adjacent to or flowing through his property. The privilege, also known as riparian rights, may be modified…

Civil Rights at the Olympics

Black medallists raise fists for Civil Rights Movement Tommie Smith (center) and John Carlos raise fists for Black Power in 1968. (Source: AP) Related Links Olympics Overview 2012…

Makeba, Miriam

(Encyclopedia) Makeba, MiriamMakeba, Miriamməkāˈbə [key], 1932–2008, South African singer. She became the first black South African to achieve international fame and she played a fundamental role in…

Declaration of Rights and Grievances

Declaration of Rights and Grievances14 October 1774Abstract When the First Continental Congress met in September and October 1774, the delegates made several major decisions. Among those was…

Uncovering African Roots

DNA Tests, New Technology Reveal African Heritage by David Johnson Photograph of slave cabin and occupants near Eufala, Alabama. (Source: Library of Congress) Howard University has assembled…

Palmer, Josephine

(Encyclopedia) Mpama, Josie 1903–1979, anti-apartheid activist. Mpama was a pioneer of women's rights in South Africa and a labor…

African National Congress

(Encyclopedia) African National Congress (ANC), the oldest black (now multiracial) political organization in South Africa; founded in 1912. Prominent in its opposition to apartheid, the organization…

states' rights

(Encyclopedia) states' rights, in U.S. history, doctrine based on the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor…