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Brewer's: Reductio ad Absurdum

A proof of inference arising from the demonstration that every other hypothesis involves an absurdity. Thus, suppose I want to prove that the direct road from two given places is the…

Brewer's: Fuga ad Salices

(A). An affectation or pretence of denial; as, when Cæsar thrice refused the crown in the Lupercal. A “nolo episcopari.” The allusion is to— Malo me Galatea petit, lasciva puella, Et fugit…

Richter, Gerhard

(Encyclopedia) Richter, GerhardRichter, Gerhardgārˈhärt rĭkhˈtər [key], 1932–, German painter, b. Dresden, studied Academy of Fine Arts, Dresden (1951–56) and Düsseldorf (1961–63). Widely considered…

Chemistry: Adding Variety to Our Menu

Adding Variety to Our MenuChemistryChemical EquationsLet's Make Chili!Getting Our IngredientsHow Much of Each Ingredient Do We Need?Writing Complete EquationsAdding Variety to Our MenuPredicting…

1–999 AD World History

Roman AqueductMontpellier, France Tina Diodati Christ Celtic Cross Renée Scott Mayan Pyramid at Chichén Itzá Renée Scott Japanese Pagoda Erik Hjortshoj Viking…

1500–1599 (A.D.) World History

Michelangelo's David (1504) Tasha Vincent Martin Luther (1483–1546) Henry VIII(1491–1547) Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603) William Shakespeare (1564–1616) Rembrandt van…

1900–1999 (A.D.) World History

1900 – 1909 World History 1910 – 1919 World History 1920 – 1929 World History 1930 – 1939 World History 1940 – 1949 World History 1950 – 1959 World History 1960 –…

2000–2011 (A.D.) World History

2000 World History 2001 World History 2002 World History 2003 World History 2004 World History 2005 World History 2006 World History 2007 World History…

Brewer's: Ad vitam aut culpam

A Latin phrase, used in Scotch law, to indicate the legal permanency of an appointment, unless forfeited by misconduct. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Radit Usque ad Cutem

He fleeced him to the skin; he sucked him dry. He shaved off all his hair (instead of only trimming it). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894RagRadiometer A B…