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Sam Wyly, 2000 News

Texas financier, privately backed a $2.5 million ad campaign that attacked Sen. John McCain's environmental record and praised Gov. George Bush's efforts. The ads ran days before March's…

From Celsius to Fahrenheit

The Question: How do you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit? The Answer: Temperatures on the Celsius scale can be converted to equivalent…

Brewer's: Phoenix Period

or Cycle, generally supposed to be 500 years; Tacitus tells us it was 250 years; R. Stuart Poole that it was 1,460 Julian years, like the Sothic Cycle; and Lipsius that it was 1,500 years…

Geometry: Three Famous Triangles

Three Famous TrianglesGeometryOpening Doors with Similar TrianglesThe Pythagorean TheoremParallel Segments and Segment ProportionsThree Famous Triangles Now that you have developed the skills…

A Quid

The Question: I would be very grateful if you could tell me why a Pound Sterling is also called a "quid." The Answer: To the best of our…

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, 2004 News

political advocacy group, sponsored several television commercials over the summer that questioned Sen. John Kerry's military record and said he lied about combat situations for which he…

Geometry: Proving Lines Are Parallel

Proving Lines Are ParallelGeometryCongruent TrianglesCPOCTACThe Big FiveThe SAS PostulateThe ASA PostulateThe AAS TheoremProving Segments and Angles Are CongruentProving Lines Are Parallel CPOCTAC…

Tropical Storm Names

The Question: What is the origin of naming tropical storms and when did this practice begin? The Answer: During World War II, meteorologists in…

Albert Lippert 1998 Deaths

Albert LippertAge: 72 garment industry executive who became a founder of Weight Watchers International. Died: Feb. 28, 1998.Arthur LinkG - LAd Liska