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Nazor, Vladimir

(Encyclopedia) Nazor, VladimirNazor, Vladimirvlədyēˈmĭr näˈzôr [key], 1876–1949, Yugoslav poet and novelist, b. Croatia. Nazor's early career paralleled the emergence of the Young Croatian literary…


(Encyclopedia) Banaba Banaba bənäˈbə [key] or Ocean Island, island, 2.2 sq mi (5.7 sq km), central…


(Encyclopedia) RheydtRheydtrīt [key], city, North Rhine–Westphalia, W Germany. It forms a twin city with Mönchengladbach. Rheydt is an industrial center; its manufactures include cotton, silk, and…


(Encyclopedia) TaclobanTaclobantäklōˈbän [key], city (1990 pop. 136,891), capital of Leyte prov., NE Leyte, the Philippines, on an inlet of Leyte Gulf. It is a port and trade center. Tacloban was the…


(Encyclopedia) commando, small, elite military raiding and assault unit or soldier. Although the word was coined in the Boer War (1899–1902), the role is as old as battles themselves. In 1940, when…

Imperial Conference

(Encyclopedia) Imperial Conference, assembly of representatives of the self-governing members of the British Empire, held about every four years until World War II. The meetings prior to 1911—in 1887…


(Encyclopedia) MurmanskMurmanskm&oobreve;rmänskˈ [key], city (1989 pop. 468,000), capital of Murmansk region, NW European Russia, on the Kola Gulf of the Barents Sea. It is the terminus of the…

Waldheim, Kurt

(Encyclopedia) Waldheim, KurtWaldheim, Kurtk&oobreve;rt vältˈhīm [key], 1918–2007, Austrian diplomat, secretary-general of the United Nations (1972–81) and president of Austria (1986–92). He…

Coningham, Sir Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Coningham, Sir ArthurConingham, Sir Arthurkŭnˈĭng-əm [key], 1895–1948, British air marshal, b. Australia. During World War I, he served first in the New Zealand army and then joined (…

Constantine, Learie

(Encyclopedia) Constantine, LearieConstantine, Leariekŏnˈstăntīnˌ [key], 1902–71, West Indian cricket player and the first black man to sit in the British House of Lords, b. Trinidad. The son of a…