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Aosta, Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, duke of

(Encyclopedia) Aosta, Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, duke ofAosta, Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, duke ofäôˈstə, –stä [key], 1869–1931, Italian general; son of King Amadeus of Spain and cousin of Victor…


(Encyclopedia) Maryknoll, headquarters of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, near Ossining, N.Y. A Roman Catholic community of priests (the “Maryknoll Fathers”) are there especially…

Lurçat, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Lurçat, JeanLurçat, JeanzhäN lürsăˈ [key], 1892–1966, French artist and writer. Lurçat worked as a painter and lithographer, illustrating numerous books. He is best known, however, as…


(Encyclopedia) LorientLorientlôryăNˈ [key], town (1990 pop. 61,630), Morbihan dept., NW France, a port and naval station on the Atlantic Ocean. A great shipbuilding center, Lorient also produces…


(Encyclopedia) Minamitori or Marcus Island, coral atoll, c.740 acres (300 hectares), W Pacific Ocean, 700 mi (1,125 km) SE of Japan; part of Tokyo prefecture, Japan. Triangular in shape and rising to…


(Encyclopedia) Dĕčín Dĕčín dyĕˈchēn [key], Ger. Tetschen, city, Czech Republic, in Bohemia, on…

Konev, Ivan Stepanovich

(Encyclopedia) Konev, Ivan StepanovichKonev, Ivan Stepanovichēvänˈ styĭpäˈnəvĭch kôˈnyĭf [key], 1897–1973, Soviet field marshal. In World War II he reconquered (1944–45) Ukraine and S Poland from the…


(Encyclopedia) KwajaleinKwajaleinkwäˈjälān, –lēn, –lĭn [key], coral atoll, 6.5 sq mi (16.8 sq km), central Pacific, in the Ralik Chain of the Marshall Islands. The largest atoll of the Marshalls,…

Joyce, William

(Encyclopedia) Joyce, William, 1906–46, British Nazi propagandist, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., called Lord Haw-Haw. Taken to England as a child, Joyce became involved there in the fascist movement. He went to…


(Encyclopedia) Aqtöbe or Aktöbe Aktöbe both: əktöˈbĕ [key], formerly Aktyubinsk Aktyubinsk əkty&oomacr;ˈbĭnsk [key], city, NW Kazakhstan, on the…