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(Encyclopedia) woodpecker, common name for members of the Picidae, a large family of climbing birds found in most parts of the world. Woodpeckers typically have sharp, chisellike bills for pecking…

Marquesas Islands

(Encyclopedia) Marquesas IslandsMarquesas Islandsmärkāˈsäs [key], volcanic group (2002 pop. 8,712), South Pacific, a part of French Polynesia. There are 12 islands in the group, which lies c.930 mi (…

Kopit, Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Kopit, Arthur, 1937-2021, American playwright, b. New York, New York, as Arthur Lee Koenig, Harvard Univ. (BS, 1959). Kopit’s parents…

hickory, in botany

(Encyclopedia) hickory, any plant of the genus Carya of the family Juglandaceae (walnut family); deciduous nut-bearing trees native to E North America and south to Central America except for a few…


(Encyclopedia) goat, ruminant mammal with hollow horns and coarse hair belonging to the genus Capra of the cattle family and closely related to the sheep. True wild goats, all of Old World origin,…


(Encyclopedia) panda, name for two unrelated nocturnal Asian mammals of the order Carnivora, red pandas, genus Ailurus, and the giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca. Red pandas, also known as lesser…

Tohono O'Odham

(Encyclopedia) Tohono O'OdhamTohono O'Odhamtōhōˈnō ō-ōˈdəm [key] or PapagoTohono O'Odhampăpˈəgōˌ, päˈ– [key], Native North Americans speaking a language that belongs to the Uto-Aztecan branch of the…


(Encyclopedia) warbler, name applied in the New World to members of the wood warbler family (Parulidae) and in the Old World to a large family (Sylviidae) of small, drab, active songsters, including…

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich

(Encyclopedia) Yevtushenko, Yevgeny AleksandrovichYevtushenko, Yevgeny Aleksandrovichyĕvˌt&oomacr;shĕngˈkō, Rus. yĭvgāˈnyē əlyĭksänˈdrəvĭch yĭvtəshĕnˈkō [key], 1933–2017, Russian poet, b. Zima…