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Ali Pasha

(Encyclopedia) Ali PashaAli Pashaälēˈ päshäˈ [key], 1744?–1822, Turkish pasha [military governor] of Yannina (now Ioánnina, Greece), a province of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). He was called the…


(Encyclopedia) dogwood or corneldogwoodkôrˈnəl [key], shrub or tree of the genus Cornus, chiefly of north temperate and tropical mountain regions, characteristically having an inconspicuous flower…


(Encyclopedia) kale,&sp;borecoleborecolebôrˈkōl [key], and collards, common names for nonheading, hardy types of cabbage (var. acephala and sometimes others), with thick stems and curly leaves,…


(Encyclopedia) kagukagukäˈg&oomacr; [key], common name for a long-legged, heronlike bird, Rhynochetos jubatus. It has a loose, gray plumage with darker bandings; broad, rounded wings marked with…


(Encyclopedia) bobolinkbobolinkbŏbˈəlĭngkˌ [key], common name in the N United States and Canada for an American songbird, Dolichonyx oryzivorus, related to the blackbird and the oriole, belonging to…


(Encyclopedia) strawberry, any plant of the genus Fragaria of the family Rosaceae (rose family), low herbaceous perennials with edible red fruits, native to temperate and mountainous tropical regions…


(Encyclopedia) weed, common term for any wild plant, particularly an undesired plant, growing in cultivated ground, where it competes with crop plants for soil nutrients and water. In their natural…

von Sydow, Max

(Encyclopedia) von Sydow, Max, 1929–2020, Swedish actor, b. Carl Adolf von Sydow. He worked with director Ingmar Bergman at the Malmö Municipal Theatre (1955–60) before moving to Stockhom and joining…

Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich

(Encyclopedia) Vavilov, Nikolai IvanovichVavilov, Nikolai Ivanovichnyĭkəlīˈ ēväˈnəvĭch vəvēˈləf [key], 1887–1943?, Russian botanist and geneticist. He is reported to have died in a Soviet…


(Encyclopedia) Belém Belém bəlāNˈ [key] or Pará Pará pəräˈ…