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(Encyclopedia) wilderness, land retaining its primeval character with the imprint of humans minimal or unnoticeable. In the United States, the Wilderness Act of 1964 established the National…

turkey , in zoology

(Encyclopedia) turkey, common name for a large game and poultry bird related to the grouse and the pheasant. Its name derives from its “turk-turk” call. Turkeys are indigenous to the New World;…

Obed Wild and Scenic River

(Encyclopedia) Obed Wild and Scenic River: see National Parks and Monuments (table)national parks and monuments (table).


(Encyclopedia) pemmicanpemmicanpĕmˈĭkən [key], a travel food of the Native North American. Slices of lean venison or buffalo meat were sun dried, pounded to a paste, and packed with melted fat in…


(Encyclopedia) cherry, name for several species of trees or shrubs of the genus Prunus (a few are sometimes classed as Padus) of the family Rosaceae (rose family) and for their fruits. The small,…

Sennin Poem

Sennin PoemThe red and green kingfishers flash between the orchids and clover, One bird casts its gleam on another. Green vines hang through the high forest, They weave a whole roof to…


(Encyclopedia) SulitjelmaSulitjelmas&oomacr;lētyĕlˈmä [key], town, Nordland co., E Norway, at the foot of the Sulitjelma Mts., near the Swedish border. It has been a mining and smelting center…

panama-hat palm

(Encyclopedia) panama-hat palm, perennial herb (Carludovica palmata) growing wild from Central America south to Bolivia. Despite its frondlike leaves it is not a true palm. The leaves are used to…


(Encyclopedia) asparagus, perennial garden vegetable (Asparagus officinalis) of the family Liliaceae (lily family), native to the E Mediterranean area and now naturalized over much of the world. As…